Upcoming Event
Conversations of Intersections: Celebrating Juneteenth & Pride Month
Jeremy Burton, our CEO, writes a blog when he feels there’s need to expound on issues and topics relevent to JCRC’s mission and passion. Read past blog posts below to learn more about JCRC Boston initiatives and sentiment from Jeremy Burton.

In recent days, city councils in Somerville and Cambridge have debated and endorsed resolutions weighing in on the topic of a ceasefire, the release of
Gathering in Solidarity with Israel Under Fire
My remarks from the Israel Solidarity Gathering in Boston today, Monday, October 9, 2023. We are gathered united in our grief
Stewards of Memory
Last night I sat down at the JCC of the North Shore with Judy Rakowsky, to talk about her brand new book, ‘Jews in the
The Conversation Our Network Facilitates
Earlier this week, 30 representatives from a wide range of JCRC’s member organizations and Jewish human service agencies that we work with sat down with