
Statement from the JCRC of Greater Boston following Council Meeting of April 27, 2021

After a seven-month process culminating in a vote tonight, the membership of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Boston has rejected the petition to remove the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) from the Council. The vote was 40 to expel, 48 against (with 10 abstentions). In order for the vote to pass, JCRC bylaws required a two-thirds majority of the members present. In a separate vote, the membership adopted a resolution (below) to clarify the bylaws as to what would constitute a member organization being out of alignment with JCRC’s mission.

The vote to expel was in response to a petition filed in September 2020 by some of JCRC’s members and individuals on the Council. After the petition was filed, the Membership Committee began a comprehensive review, including numerous interviews with both the petitioners and ZOA; reviews of documents, social media posts and public comments; and analysis of our membership requirements, all in keeping with our bylaws and stated protocols. Based on the thoughtful and diligent work of the Membership Committee, the JCRC Board endorsed the recommendation of the Membership Committee not to expel ZOA and that recommendation was presented to the Council. However, as required by our bylaws, it was the Council members through the voting process, who ultimately choose the path forward.

By a vote of 66 in favor, and 10 against (with 10 abstentions), the membership voted to adopt a resolution to clarify the bylaws as to what would constitute a member organization being out of alignment with JCRC’s mission to “promote an American society which is democratic, pluralistic, and just.”


Resolved, that the JCRC of Greater Boston endorses the definition of White Supremacy utilized by Facing History and Ourselves in their educational work and defines White Supremacy as “Systems that uphold the dominant status of white people over all other people. White supremacists believe in the superiority of white people”; And,

Resolved, that no Member Organization of JCRC, through its programs, activities or practices – or through the public leadership platforms of its executive officers – should legitimize or normalize organizations or individuals who embrace white supremacy, white nationalism or the conspiracy theories which underlie these ideologies;

Such action is not compatible with, and is in conflict with, JCRC’s mission and, from and after the date hereof, could be grounds for condemnation, including removal from the JCRC upon the determination of this Council and in accordance with JCRC’s Bylaws.

Since JCRC’s founding, we have embraced a “big tent” approach to our network – which is comprised of 40 organizations – striving to welcome all voices advancing the interests of the organized Jewish community and have been committed to representing a diversity of viewpoints.  We believe that it is possible for robust support for the US-Israel alliance, including vigorous advocacy, to thrive without embracing white supremacy and bigotry. Plainly said, we reaffirm that there will be no place for white supremacy, white nationalism, or related conspiracy theorists in our organization.

When a similar situation arose in 2019, the JCRC membership did not expel an organization which had engaged in activities many felt to be inconsistent with our mission.  JCRC’s members are committed to coming together to understand the experiences of others and to hear their perspectives, even as they differ from our own. It is only by engaging in these often very difficult dialogues that we can continue our mission of civic engagement, building bridges, and initiating partnerships to strengthen the Jewish community for all of us.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Director thank the Council for adopting the recommendations of the Membership Committee.