
Stand with Immigrants this Passover: An Action Guide for Your Seder

As you prepare to gather with family and friends to celebrate Passover 5778, we want to wish you a sweet and meaningful holiday – and to share this resource for your seder, informed by our community’s experience of standing with immigrants this year.

We’ve shared with you the many ways in which we at JCRC have engaged our Jewish community in responding to the urgent crisis facing our foreign born neighbors – the lobbying by so many of us for passage of the Safe Communities Act, the 15 synagogues and approximately 400 individuals involved in Sanctuary congregation work, the 40 immigrant detainees we, along with our interfaith partners in the Boston Immigrant Justice Accompaniment Network, are supporting in a variety of ways, including pastoral visits from rabbis, access to legal representation and financial support for bond and legal fees. There is no more fitting way to mark this Festival of Freedom than to remember those in our midst who are currently detained, in fear for their lives should they be deported back to countries rife with violence and trauma…We encourage you to use this resource, created with a team of active synagogue leaders, to stimulate conversation at your Seder table, and learn about action you can take to bring about liberation for those among us, yearning to be free.

Chag Same’ach,