
Shanah Tovah from JCRC!

Dear Friends,

With so many of us busy making preparations for the High Holidays, I’ll be brief today. 

For those of you who were with us last week as JCRC honored and celebrated some amazing community leaders, thank you. And for those of you who missed it – We are often asked what JCRC is and what we do, or “what is the function of a JCRC?” Well, our team put together a delightful video (if I may say so myself, though I hadn’t seen it in advance) answering that question. We premiered this “JCRC, What’s Your Function?” Schoolhouse Rock-style video at the event. It’s only 3:30 long and I encourage you to check it out. You may even see some fun cameos from our leaders and our partners in civic space.  


And, as we begin the High Holidays this weekend, rather than share some reflections of my own, allow me to share a poem by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat (of Congregation Beth Israel of the Berkshires).  

‘A Prayer for Tashlich’ is included in her volume ‘Open My Lips’, from the Jewish Poetry Project. Tashlich is the ritual of casting our sins into the river, which many Jews will perform this coming Monday afternoon.

Here I am again
Ready to let go of my mistakes. Help me to release myself
From all the ways I’ve missed the mark. Help me to stop carrying
The karmic baggage of my poor choices. As I cast this bread upon the waters
Lift my troubles off my shoulders. Help me to know that last year is over,
Washed away like crumbs on the current. Open my heart to blessing and gratitude.
Renew my soul as the dew renews the grasses. And we say together:

May we be inspired for our renewal in this season.  

Shabbat Shalom, and wishing you a good and sweet year. 

L’shana tovah u’metukah,

Jeremy and the JCRC Team

P.S.: Our fiscal year ends in seven days. Please be a part of securing JCRC’s future in 5783 by making a gift.