
A Statement on Newton

Updated 9/13/2024 at 3:50PM

We welcome the decision of DA Ryan to drop the civil rights charge against Scott Hayes and apply for a criminal complaint against the person who charged and tackled him to the ground.

Published 9/13/2024 at 10:15AM

Last night, at a small demonstration in support of the October 7 hostages in Newton, MA, there was a violent altercation and an individual was hospitalized. While the details of what happened are still being investigated, there should be no question that violence of any kind in our democratic society is abhorrent. People’s right to gather in civil, non-violent public demonstrations must be sacrosanct.

We welcome and thank Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and Middlesex DA Marian Ryan’s outreach to us at JCRC, and to other community leaders, late last night and their briefing on the investigation — along with steps being taken to reassure the public and our community. While some charges have already been filed, we urge patience as a full investigation unfolds, and we encourage Mayor Fuller and DA Ryan to continue to continue to fully communicate with the public and the community regarding the investigation and the rationale for those charges filed and for any additional charges that may be filed.

We have been in communication with our partners at ADL New England and CJP’s communal security initiative and we are committed to continuing to work with them and all our community partners to ensure the continued full and responsive support of our law enforcement and public safety agencies at this fraught time.

We take this moment to note that over the last eleven months, across our region there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of standouts for the hostages taken on October 7th. These rallies, demonstrations, runs and walks for the victims, a ‘hostage tunnel’ exhibit at Boston City Hall Plaza, and other ways in which our community and allies have come together to demand the return of the hostages to their families have all been peaceful and without incident.

Regardless of motive or his role in the initiation of the violence, we pray for the full recovery of the individual who was injured last night.