
Leonard Cohen & Teiglach: Blessings from the JCRC Board and Staff

Rosh HaShanah
Blessings and Recipes
from the JCRC Board and Staff

This year, we asked the JCRC board and staff to share blessings for our community and their favorite family recipes for the new year. Please enjoy and Shanah Tovah!

In addition, click here to read our JCRC75 Commemorative Book, now online, full of 75 years of JCRC’s history, photos, interviews, and more.

“My hope for our community is that we continue to engage with each other–even when we don’t agree on issues. The power of our Council is that we are able to sit at the same table and engage with each other and have difficult conversations. I hope that we can continue to model this engagement and encourage others to embrace it–especially in these challenging times.” Stacey Bloom, President

“Leonard Cohen’s poetry and songs are deeply imbued with Jewish imagery and traditions. One of my favorite songs, Who by Fire, is based off Unetanneh Tokef (ונתנה תוקף) (“Let us speak of the awesomeness”), and is a part of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. I find deep meaning in the lyrics and his modern take on a centuries old prayer.”
Aaron Agulnek, Director of Government Affairs “My blessing for our community: May our bodies and spirits continue to attune with the movement towards justice and pikuach nefesh–honoring the lives of those among us regardless of race, social class, gender, or any other of the traits made b’tzelem Elohim.
Two recipes: Luscious Lemon Almond Flour and Olive Oil Cake: Instead of sugar, use honey, or split between the two – I also like to make a quick meringue frosting and then coat it with pomegranate arils. Sephardic Style Leek Patties: My grandmother made these with white fish that was already cooked and flaked–usually cod.”
Solon Arguello, Development and Government Affairs Associate “My hope is that we all find time to breathe deep, learn new things, and spend more time with the people we love.
Recipe: Honey Glazed Carrots.”
Eli Cohn-Postell,
Director of Israel Engagement
“Take honey cake to the next level with this honey cake biscotti!
Especially perfect if you have an Italian mother-in-law…”
Shoshana Edelson,
Young Adult Social Justice Program Manager
“I hope we all work to respect and support each other more, especially those who may disagree with us.”
Bill Gabovitch, Past President


“My wish for us is that we find the courage and strength to resist the forces and people who seek to divide, demonize, and dehumanize people.”

Recipe: My Mother Bebe’s Mandel Bread

Barry Glass, Director of TELEM

“I hope that everyone stays healthy and gets their flu shot! But I also hope that everyone laughs just a little bit more.”

Lisa Kessel Freedman, Events Coordinator and Executive Assistant

“My hope for the New Year is that we heed the blasts of the Shofar; that we are summoned by the call of Tekiah, moved by the brokenhearted cry of Shevarim, stirred by the urgent call to action of T’ruah, and inspired by the exultant hope of T’ruah Gedolah. Following family tradition, I always made my mother z”l’s Gefilte fish recipe, which is featured (crediting her!) in the original NYT cookbook. But one year when I couldn’t get white fish, I discovered this one and never went back.” Nahma Nadich, Acting Executive Director


Family Carrot Souffle Recipe (handwriting is my grandmother’s) for a sweet new year. Top with 1/4 cup cornflake crumbs, 3 tblsp brown sugar, 2 tblsp softened margarine, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, then bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Emily Reichman,
Director of Service Initiatives


“I would share the same blessing I try to remember every day before I come to work: Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu lirdof tzedek.

We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, who calls us to holiness through mitzvot, commanding us to pursue tzedek/justice.

And what would Rosh Hashanah be for a Bensonhurst boy without teiglach! I couldn’t find a specific Brooklyn recipe, but this one certainly sounds as if it would be b’taam: Teiglach (Ashkenazic Honey Dough Balls) From Gil Marks’ The World of Jewish Cooking .”

Stuart Rossman, Past President

“May it be a year of patience, understanding and connection for our community with those around us.

Recipe: My husband Steve’s brisket recipe from The Kosher Palette.

Rebecca Shimshak, Director of Greater Boston Jewish Coalition for Literacy

PS: Be sure to take a moment and peruse our JCRC75 online auction!