
JCRC Welcomes Today’s Bipartisan Senate Foreign Relations Committee Vote on Iran Deal

JCRC welcomes the bipartisan compromise by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on legislation to provide for congressional review of a nuclear deal with Iran, if and when an accord is reached. The organized Jewish community of Boston believes that a diplomatic resolution is the ideal path to end the threat of Iran being able to become a nuclear power. The current framework agreement presents the possibility of a successful deal while also raising areas of concern that need to be addressed in order to ensure that it is a good deal.

Today’s compromise, if adopted into law, will enable our representatives in Congress to ask questions while working with President Obama to ensure the quality of any deal. We hope that the spirit of bipartisanship shown today will establish a new phase in the debate over and the evaluation of these negotiations, one in which our reasonable questions can be addressed thoughtfully and honestly without political manipulation or partisanship of any nature.

We welcome Senator Markey’s vote as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to support this bipartisan compromise. We thank him for the time and thoughtful consideration he has given in recent weeks to us and others who are deeply invested in the outcome of these negotiations. We urge the full Senate to take up and pass this compromise bill, which the President has indicated he will sign. We call upon Senator Warren to join Senator Markey in supporting this compromise when it reaches the full Senate.


Jeremy Burton
Executive Director


Jill Goldenberg