
JCRC to Name Scott Gilefsky as First Vice President of Board of Directors

JCRC is pleased to announce that longtime JCRC leader Scott Gilefsky has accepted our Governance Committee’s nomination as the First Vice President of JCRC. We look forward to presenting his nomination to the Council for election this spring.

“I am energized and humbled to serve as First Vice President at JCRC next year,” Scott commented. “I am excited to work with Jeremy, the Board, the Council, and our community partners in support of JCRC’s mission: to educate and advocate on issues of vital importance to the organized Jewish community based on consensus, civility, and an expanded commitment to living Jewish values of social justice. I look forward to addressing the challenges that our community will face next year and the years to follow. JCRC is well positioned to meet such challenges.”

Pursuant to our bylaws, this nomination anticipates that Scott Gilefsky will be nominated and elected as the next president of JCRC in 2021, succeeding Stacey Bloom.

Scott has served as JCRC treasurer and chair of the Finance committee, as well as on the Israel Engagement, Strategic Planning, and Public Policy committees. He first became involved with JCRC as a community representative on the Council in 2010 and became a board member the following year.

Scott’s engagement in the Jewish community goes well beyond JCRC. He serves on Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP)’s audit committee and is the former chair of the Young Leadership Division and their Kadimah Leadership Training. He was a co-chair for two CJP missions to Israel and the CJP Lawyers & Accountants Dinner, and he received CJP’s 2010 Community of Excellence Award.

“I look forward to welcoming Scott as my successor as JCRC president next June,” said current President Stacey Bloom. “I have had the privilege of working with Scott for the last decade—in his many JCRC roles—as a board member, committee chair, and officer. Scott’s commitment to JCRC’s work, his ability to build strong relationships, and his insight into the challenges and opportunities ahead make him the leader to bring our community together.”

Jonathan Klein, chair of the Governance Committee, remarked, “Scott is a dedicated leader who has been involved in many of the key decisions within JCRC. His commitment to our community’s values will guide the organization, both lay and professional, over the next several years.”

Scott is a partner in Ernst & Young’s East Region Indirect Tax practice and leads the firm’s Connecticut State and Local Tax Practice. He is on the Advisory Board for the New England State and Local Tax Forum and has been a speaker at many seminars and conferences sponsored by Practising Law Institute, the Tax Executives Institute, and the Boston Bar Association, among others. He has written articles for the Boston Business Journal, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education and the Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyers Journal.

Scott is a member of Temple Beth Shalom in Needham, and a coach in Needham Youth Soccer. He is on the Stan Arnold Scholarship Fund committee as part of his work with the New England State and Local Tax Forum.