
JCRC Thanks Speaker DeLeo for Years of Leadership

The Jewish Community Relations Council recognizes House Speaker Robert DeLeo on the occasion of his resignation from the Massachusetts House of Representatives. The Speaker and his exemplary staff always had an open door to the Jewish community. He was as comfortable in Jewish spaces as he was in his community of Winthrop, which he represented for almost 30 years. He was always the first to convene the House membership in recognition of Holocaust remembrance and stood with his members in strongly condemning antisemitism. As soon as news broke about the massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Speaker reached out to our community and joined with civil, religious, and elected leaders on the Boston Common in denouncing this act of hatred.

At the JCRC legislative reception in 2018, Speaker DeLeo spoke about his work with the JCRC: “Throughout my speakership I have known the JCRC to be politically engaged and active on many of the issues that are so important to me…Whether it is addressing gun violence, ending homelessness, combating domestic violence and helping our seniors, it is has been my honor to work with JCRC every step of the way. With your input we have made significant strides in many of these areas.”

Speaker DeLeo was a strong partner to our community as Massachusetts climbed out of the Great Recession in 2009. He was a strong proponent of Jewish communal initiatives focusing on economic opportunity and worked hand-in-hand with us to provide jobs for immigrants and refugees, adults with disabilities, and those with housing insecurity. He was also a champion of the Mass/Israel Economic Partnership, recognizing the importance of investment and relationship. In 2013, he led a delegation to Israel with JCRC to witness the fruits of that work first hand.

“It is with mixed emotions that I recognize my dear friend Speaker Robert DeLeo on the occasion of his announced retirement from the House of Representatives,” said Jeremy Burton, Executive Director, Jewish Community Relations Council. “The Speaker has stood with the Jewish community during times of celebration and times of deep mourning, and never stopped working with us to improve the lives of the residents in Massachusetts. On behalf of the JCRC, I wish the Speaker the best for this next chapter of his life.”


Speaker DeLeo stands with the Jewish community at our vigil for victims of the Tree of Life Shooting.


Speaker DeLeo visits Rambam Hospital in Haifa on a JCRC Study Tour