
JCRC Statement on Economic Development Bill

Governor Baker signed the $3.7 billion dollar economic development bill, which makes significant investments in the Commonwealth’s social infrastructure. The signing of this bill continues to build on the Governor and the Legislature’s commitment to investing in communal security and support for our most vulnerable residents.

We thank Governor Baker, Senate President Spilka, Speaker Mariano, Chairs Michlewitz and Rodrigues for their ongoing partnership and responsiveness to the issues faced within and beyond our community.

As the advocacy organization for the organized Jewish community, we are proud to have secured an additional investment of $5 million dollars for nonprofit security grants to institutions at high risk of terror attacks and an increased investment of $175,000 dollars for providers of programming and services for naturally occurring retirement communities (NORC).

Nonprofit security grant funding is in addition to the $3 million dollars allocated in the FY23 budget. Our lead legislative sponsors, Senator Eric Lesser and Representative Ruth Balser have been a consistent champions through the legislative process as the need for organizations continues to grow. Expanded funding of this program enables increased participation for faith based and nonprofit organizations across the Commonwealth to invest in target hardening and other security measures that help protect communities against continued threats and to remain spaces of community gathering and worship.

NORC providers, which include JF&CS, JFS of Metrowest and JFS of Western Mass deliver an “Aging in Place” model that promotes healthy aging, independence, and community building through a multifaceted approach. We are grateful to lead sponsors, Representative Tommy Vitolo and Senator Cynthia Creem for their leadership in seeking funding for NORC.

We are committed to continuing to be the leading voice on issues impacting our community, to invest in programs and services that enable people to live self-determined lives, free from fear and discrimination.