
JCRC Statement of Concern about Knesset Outpost Bill

Late Monday evening, Israel’s Knesset adopted legislation to legitimize previously unrecognized Jewish outposts in areas beyond the Green Line. JCRC of Greater Boston joins the AJC and ADL in expressing significant concerns about this action by the Knesset.

This controversial decision moves Israel further away from the only feasible path to peace; a two-state solution. JCRC has long supported a negotiated two-state solution, a position which is consistently shown by polls to be supported by most Israelis. We are deeply disappointed by this legislation, which has been met with criticism from many in Israel, including the attorney general who has described it as unconstitutional and in contravention of international law. We hope that Israel takes meaningful steps to enable the realization of two states for two people living side-by-side in peace.