
JCRC of Greater Boston Condemns Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade

The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston (JCRC) today joins with the majority of Americans and the vast majority of American Jews – who support the preservation of the constitutional right to personal control of one’s own reproductive decisions – in expressing our anger and dismay regarding the overturning of Roe v. Wade. There can be no equivocating: The decision in Dobbs v. Jackson threatens the freedom, health, and lives of people across the United States, and the heaviest burden falls upon communities of color and low-income communities. 

We lift up, yet again, that Dobbs constitutes a specific infringement on the rights of American Jews and on other faith communities whose approach to the question of when life begins differs from the approaches of the Christian tradition. 

It is impossible to fully articulate the nuances and complexities of thousands of years of Jewish tradition and law in one paragraph. Suffice to say that we approach the fetus as a “potential life” and one that must be considered and weighed in relation to the “existing and actual life” of the person carrying it. Even under the most conservative interpretation, Jewish tradition and law mandates the termination of a pregnancy in certain circumstances involving the life or health of the mother. We respect other people’s beliefs that life begins at conception, but this is not our tradition.  

Accordingly, our nation should be striving toward a society governed by humanistic and universal principles, rather than be limited by those of the one faith tradition. Our failure to do so denies rights for all Americans, will cause genuine harm for many, and, in this case, a severe limitation on the ability of minority communities to live fully in America in accordance with our own traditions. Today’s ruling effectively elevates one religious viewpoint over others and infringes upon Jewish individuals’ right to follow the tenets of our faith. 

JCRC has long advocated for the protection of abortion rights and for unrestricted access to affordable, legal health care for all people. We are proud to have supported efforts here in Massachusetts, including the passage of the ROE Act, that ensures that abortion remains legal and protected in our Commonwealth. 

Jewish tradition exhorts us to not despair at times when the bridge ahead is narrow. We will meet this dark moment with resolve and clarity.

The organized Jewish community of Greater Boston will strongly oppose any effort by Congress to curtail or ban abortions. We will work in coalition to ensure that our state is prepared to welcome and serve the thousands of additional people who will travel here to seek medical care and exercise reproductive rights.  

As we look to a post-Roe future that is unsettling and uncertain at best, and lethally dangerous at worst, JCRC will continue to lead our community in the fight to protect fundamental reproductive rights – and religious freedom – for all Americans. 

Below are resources and events locally and in the Jewish community: