
JCRC of Greater Boston Supports Immigration Reform That Will Protect Millions

Calls on Congress to pass permanent and comprehensive immigration reforms

(BOSTON) – The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Boston supports the executive actions outlined by President Obama last night, which will prevent about 5 million undocumented immigrants from being deported.

 “American Jews are a community deeply connected to our immigrant experience in this country,” said Jeremy Burton, Executive Director of JCRC. “That history guides us and we will not shut the door on those who came after us. The American Jewish community has long advocated for immigrants’ rights including freedom from persecution, being united with one’s family, and the opportunity to build a better future for one’s family. These basic rights reflect not only Jewish values but our own communal experience in America.”

“As the President stated last night, our immigration system is broken and in need of repair,” added Jill Goldenberg, President of JCRC. “The President seeks to help immigrants who are part of our communities and our friends, and we must not abandon them. We appreciate the executive order and the steps outlined by the President, but this is a temporary fix. Congress still has a responsibility to do its job and pass meaningful, comprehensive immigration reform. We strongly urge Congress to come together now to finish the job that the president has started, for the benefit of all people who call America home.”