
Boston Interfaith Leaders Launch Online Campaign to #DeclareInterdependence

 The Boston 12
 is a group of area religious leaders, including JCRC Executive Director Jeremy Burton and JCRC Associate Director Nahma Nadich, which has met regularly for a number of years. We are Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. We are members of cousin religions, descendant of Abraham. We are family.

delcareThe public rhetoric that is borne of the current election season scares us. It is dangerous. It is tearing our nation apart. With this social media campaign we are making an appeal to the better angels of our natures and of our nation. We believe in the American hope and promise of E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many, One (adopted in 1776 as our national motto). But that promise can only be realized with hard work, a lot of listening to each other, a lot trying to understand each other using civil discourse, instead of blaming each other. Instead of everyone yelling their own truth. It feels as if the world around us is spinning out of control as fear causes one group to blame or scapegoat another group. We hope to make a small space for the hard work of listening and learning and finding common ground for the common good.

The Boston 12 has composed five different online messages with one common theme, Declare Interdependence. The first message – to Pledge Respect – went out via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on Thursday, June 16, 2016. The following four messages will be released June 23, 30, July 3, and July 4.

To get involved, follow JCRC online via FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Share the posts. Retweet the posts. Regram the posts. And use #DeclareInterdependence.