Join us to observe Tisha B’Av and learn from Holocaust survivor Sylvia Ruth Gutmann at a book talk and signing for her upcoming memoir A Life Rebuilt: The Remarkable Transformation of a War Orphan. This event will occur in commemoration of Tisha B’Av, a day where we remember the tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people over centuries.
Sunday, July 22nd at 1:00 pm at Barnes & Noble Framingham.
Sylvia has offered to donate a percentage of the proceeds from her book sales. Before the Bookfair, we encourage you to make a list of your Barnes & Noble shopping needs—whether it is back-to-school items or birthday or other special occasion gifts. Shop at the book fair that day or use our unique ID number, 12381562, online from July 22-27, and JCRC’s Greater Boston Jewish Coalition for Literacy program will receive a percentage of the proceeds! Book donations will also be accepted.
Click here to download our book fair vouchers
Sylvia’s memoir, coming out this month, shares her journey from the depths of a painful, dark time in the history of the Jewish people in Europe to her life today in Framingham, Massachusetts. Torn from her parents at the tender age of three, Sylvia’s traumatic experience reverberates with us today.