JCRC Urges Passage of Transgender Legislation
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston, along with a broad coalition of advocacy organizations, business leaders, and the entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation urges the Massachusetts House and Senate to extend non-discrimination protections in public places to individuals of all gender identities before the Legislature leaves for winter recess on November 19th. “Massachusetts has…
Truth, Justice, and the Jewish American Way
It is no secret that I love comic books. When I was young I found comfort in the X-Men, a band of teenagers who upon reaching puberty discovered that they had mutations. Their newfound powers made them special and wonderful, but also made them outcasts to be persecuted and discriminated against. That I was struggling…
JCRC Condemns Hate Crime at Islamic Center
The following is a letter to Munir Gandevia, President of the Islamic Center of Burlington (MA). Dear President Gandevia, We were appalled by the grotesque acts of hatred defacing the Islamic Center earlier this week. An attack on one house of worship is an attack on all people of faith who cherish American values of…