

As you read this, I’ve already left for a two week vacation. Not everyone in this world is blessed to be able to take meaningful time away from work for respite and rejuvenation. Many people don’t have paid vacation where they work and many more can’t afford to go anyplace during the time that they do have. Then of course there are those whose companies encourage or demand a 24/7 culture of availability.
I am wrapping up my summer with a deep sense of gratitude that I am part of a team. We are partners in a shared effort year around to do amazing work that I love and from which I draw enormous energy. They also keep the work of JCRC moving forward whether I am here or not, allowing each of us to have these opportunities to step away for a bit.
So some brief appreciations this week as I head out the door:
To my partners in work and our Associate Directors Elana Margolis – who amongst other things is up to her neck in planning for our big event on September 17th because she’s determined to ensure that our volunteers and our extraordinary service team have the support and recognition they deserve; and, Nahma Nadich – who year-round and while I’m away continues to focus on deep partnerships in our own and across faith communities, allowing us to do transformational work like the upcoming community memorial and solidarity on September 9th
To my Executive Assistant and our Event Coordinator Lisa Kessel Freedman, who in many ways knows me better than I know myself, keeps me on task, and does a lot of work behind the scenes that enables me to do my work in public and with you.  She is also, an emerging young leader in her own right in our community. When not toiling at JCRC she is volunteering at JBBBS, for which she was honored by CJP this past winter as part of Chai in the Hub.
To our Communications Coordinator Sasha Fastovskiy, who – in addition to being familiar to many on my social media feed as my able “wing-man” on my last study tour to Israel, taking care of every need of our delegation so they could fully focus on their experience of Israel – is a talented video producer. She is going to get a whole lot of praise for our new service programs promotion video for which she’s putting a polish on in the next few weeks. I’m so excited to show it to you when I get back.
There are many other amazing people here at JCRC, and I’ll continue to mention more of them from time to time in the months ahead. The important thing is that we are a team, with a shared commitment to serving our Jewish community and ensuring its impact on Greater Boston’s civil society. Without them I couldn’t do my job, and we couldn’t partner with you to achieve our shared hopes.
I hope you’ll take a moment to thank these folks, and all the Jewish communal professionals you interact with, for their service and dedication.
And I invite you to ask yourself this question today: Who or what do you appreciate most in your life right now?

Shabbat Shalom and enjoy the rest of your summer,
