
ACTION ALERT: Cambridge City Council will consider Resolution “in support of an enduring ceasefire in Gaza.”



We want to make the Cambridge community aware of the proposed ceasefire resolution on the agenda for the Cambridge City Council Meeting.

First, we encourage you to read the resolution. Read the full resolution here. 

Municipal resolutions involving international affairs and the rhetoric surrounding their consideration can perpetuate tension and division right here at home. This policy order is no exception and as it is considered, we encourage Cambridge residents to engage in civil, civic discourse. In addition, we encourage amendment of this policy order to specifically identify Hamas as a recognized foreign terrorist organization.

Be heard during the virtual public comment period on Monday. Advanced registration is required. Sign up here.

Communicate with members of the Council in writing by sending an email prior to the meeting, either to individual council members or by emailing the entire council.

When you communicate – in writing or during public comment:

  • Be polite. Thank the Council Members for hearing you out
  • Don’t attack them, and don’t criticize them individually
  • Keep your remarks tight
  • Please use your own words, speak from your own perspective and experience – don’t just cut and paste talking points – they don’t need to hear the same sentences over and over

Cambridge City Council Contact Information 

All City Council Members: 

Burhan Azeem, , 617-798-1140

Marc C. McGovern, , 617-349-4280

Patricia M. Nolan, , 617-349-4280

Joan Pickett, , 617-349-4280

Symbol Siddiqui, , 617-448-1525

E. Denise Simmons, , 617-349-4280

Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler, , 617-349-4280

Paul F. Toner, , 617-349-4280   

Ayesha M. Wilson, ,  617-349-4280