
Our 2022 Impact Report

What does JCRC do? 

I hear this question all the time. And we’ve got some great answers about our impact over generations and this past year. 

I’m proud that last year we secured $9 million dollars in state support for Jewish human service agencies and $8 million in state nonprofit security grants. I’m proud that, with our partners, we organized over 35 congregational teams to support 220 refugees who escaped Afghanistan since 2021. I’m proud that we led advocacy to adopt a genocide education mandate and to divest our state from Russia, and that we were an active coalition member in the successful Yes on 4 campaign to defend the Work and Family Mobility Law from repeal. I’m proud that we’re combatting antisemitism here in Boston, connecting civic leaders with Israel, and providing thought leadership in the public conversation. 

And I’m proud to share with you our 2022 Impact Report.  

I invite and encourage you to learn more about the work that we did this last year and the ways in which we are serving and benefiting our community.  

Here you can learn more about the many ways in which we, together as JCRC, catalyze, advocate and educate – and are having a measurable and sustained impact on our shared society.  

This work is only possible in partnership with all of you – our members, stakeholders, and allies – because we believe in effecting a stronger community and a more just society.  

This work is only possible because of your support of JCRC. On behalf of everyone here, I thank you for your past support, and hope that you will continue to support our work. 

Shabbat Shalom,
