
A Joint Statement from JCRC, ADL, and AJC

The tragic disruption last Thursday of a peaceful rally in Newton remembering the hostages has shaken our community at many levels and in many ways. We are mindful that the investigation of the entire incident remains ongoing and that since Thursday night, civil rights charges against one individual, Scott Hayes, were dropped and criminal charges were filed against Caleb Gannon. Legal proceedings are in process and will be for some time as each defendant prepares for his defense.

Peaceful gatherings have taken place in Newton since the horrific attacks on October 7 with many views and counterviews represented. This violent turn of events has resulted in escalating tensions and demands for immediate actions. 

We are aware of calls to boycott Newton businesses — a call to action raised by a group or groups with no apparent relationship to Newton. We unequivocally reject this tactic, which seeks to place “blame” or “consequences” on local businesses that are not responsible for either the incident or its prosecution. Moreover, use of this tactic implicitly suggests that our criminal justice system is not capable of delivering justice through its time-honored processes. 

We instead call on the community to join us in re-establishing dialogue and conversation, remembering the hostages still held in Gaza, and calling for an end to senseless violence.

In partnership,

JCRC of Greater Boston
ADL New England
AJC New England